This may be a cool device to make, but it can also be extremely dangerous. Make sure that you have your parents' permission before building your stun gun, and have adult supervision all throughout. And DO NOT under any circumstances use this as a weapon!

Cool! I was waiting to see if you would post that project. It's awesome! Update your blog when you make it so we can see how it turns out!!!!!
Ahh, interesting device. Let me know how it works out for you!
Top Secret! I was wondering when you would come out of the woodwork. Good to hear from you again.
Not as good as you, Josie. You're doing well for such a young spy. You have kept your identity a secret for the most part, and you have skills sharper than a fox's nose. Good work.
You're too kind, but I can't except that kind of praise. I am still learning. A lot.
A spy is always learning.
Alright, you two! Break it up! Come on, lighten up, Josie. If your mentor praises you, accept it. I believe you are doing well also.
A comment was removed?? top secret eh?? that's another case 4 me, but I think I already know who it is!
SK#1 OUT!!!!!
Sorry, SK#2, the comment deleted was me; I misspelled something!
Top Secret (can't say her name...) was my mentor, teaching me everything I need to know on spying. Trust me, you have no idea who she is!
Wow this is a neat blog! (I found it from your name on other blogs!) I've never seen a blog like this before! neat stuff!
I'm SK#1!!!!! Not SK#2 YOU'RE SK#2!!!!!!!
I was reading some of the other comments and was wondering, what is an SK? anna marie and rusty are one and shadow is and so is the brax blog, what are they? are you one josie?
OOPS! I'm always getting the numbers confused... And an SK is a spy code name.
No, technically I'm not an SK, but I have contacts in their agency! :)
Yeah it's kind of like a title, but that's all the info. we're allowed to give out, so no more, Josie and SK#2!
Of course not, SK#1! But I had to give an explanation!
Ok ok I guess I can execpt that!
CEO & SK#1 (who's got deleted again?)
Mine; somehow (don't know how) I posted the same comment twice!
Oh ok! I just get curious about this kind of stuff! But you haven't ever had bad stuff that REALLY needed to be deleted? I never had, but that's why it's good to have the comments send to you by email before they get posted!
You know you can double delete comments so people don't have to see "comment deleted". I found that out and it makes your blog look a lot better without all of that!
I'll have to look at that for my settings on my blog too! thanks SK#5
Thanks for the tips; I was able to delete those comments!
Oh, good idea (about the deleted comments)! I'll keep that in mind!
hey is this the josie mckay that use to live near federal way wa
Nope, sorry Jimmy, but I'm not the one you're looking for. Good luck.
It is certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.
Cell jammers
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